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Largest Armies in the World 1820-2022

Which countries have the largest military?

In this video we compare the size of every country’s military personnel in each year for the period 1820 to 2022.

Military personnel are defined as troops under the command of the national government and held ready for combat.

Troops in the reserves, colonial troops, irregular forces such as civil defense units, frontier guards, gendarmerie, carabinieri, cossacks and other quasi-military units are not included. During times of war, a country will increase the spending of its military and the size of its military.

This pattern has been seen for centuries. Russo-Japanese War, American Civil War, Russian Civil War, Chinese Civil War, WW1, WW2, Vietnam War - during all of these times, either through additional government allocation or through drafting, the countries at war would increase their military sizes.

Watch on and take an adventure through centuries of history and wars to witness the size and scale of the largest armies in the world from 1820 to today.

Comments: (1)

This diagram is completely wrong. In the event of war, the most important role is played by the defense and positions of each army. we see what is happening in Ukraine that the second largest country in the world cannot defeat little Ukraine.

Anonymous User: CaptainNL

Posted: 02/08/22 21:57:16


*Anonymous User: Allowed limit up to 30 characters..

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Largest Armies in the World 1820-2022

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1 .STOP SNOOZING When you snooze, you’re not really getting more sleep. It doesn’t make you feel better about waking up. It actually does nothing beneficial for you. Every single time you hit the snooze button you wake up feeling more tired.

2.GET ENOUGH SLEEP We need a certain amount of sleep every day for our body to function properly. You should go to sleep and wake up at the same time seven days per week. This way your body gets into the rhythm and you can wake up naturally at the end of a sleep cycle, every single day.

3.RE-HYDRATE AND GET THE BLOOD FLOWING It's crucial that you hydrate yourself first thing in the morning. After 6 to 8 hours without water, you'll naturally be dehydrated, and dehydration causes fatigue. Another important thing to do, is some light exercise as soon as you wake up. It may seem counter intuitive, but researchers say expending energy by engaging in regular exercise, doesn't make you tired, it actually creates energy in your body.

4.AVOID SCREENS BEFORE BED Your TV, smart phone and computer screen all produce artificial blue light. The problem with artificial light in the evening, is that it tricks your body in to thinking that it's actually day time. When it gets darker outside, your body naturally produces a sleep hormone called melatonin. Since artificial light blocks melatonin production, we can really mess up our sleep, because your body doesn't send signals to your cells that's it's night time.

Apps mentioned: Sleep Cycle - Alarm that wakes you up when at the end of your sleep phase F.lux - Orange screen for your computer Twilight - Orange screen for your phone *Disclaimer*

If these tips don't help, you might have a medical problem. If so, you should see a doctor immediately. Things such as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or sleep apnea, are more common than you might think and will affect how tired you feel.

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